Andrew Leigh

ACT & Surrounds

Participating in their 2nd Vinnies CEO Sleepout

One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference

In 1922, my grandfather, Roly Stebbins, was born in a tent. More than a century later, some Australians still live in tents, under bridges, and in cars. Some of those who are homeless are fleeing family violence, while others – like Roly’s father – are veterans. Still others have a roof over their head, but live in unstable accommodation or overcrowded homes. I’m doing the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise the profile of homelessness, and raise money for St Vincent De Paul’s homelessness services. Please help me to support their vital work.

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Funds raised over the years

Latest Donations


Mathew Jose


Alicia Payne Mp

Thank you Andrew for your commitment to supporting people experiencing homelessness!


John Mungoven


John Dyball

Great work Andrew !


David Cassells

Appreciate all your efforts for a more equitable and socially just Australia.


Andrew Dowse

Thanks for supporting the community, Andrew. You're a very good man and excellent representative of Canberra, even if you come from the wrong side of the lake.


F Wilkins

Thank you for braving the cold and taking part in such an important event.


Matched Donation thanks to the Daly Family

Congratulations, you have received a matched donation! Keep up all the great work. The Daly Family from Curtin.


Christopher Caton


David Loggia


Ana Nov Rowley

Hi Andrew, Thank you very much for sacrificing a comfort night at this event. I really respect you very much. Housing in Canberra is getting too expensive...I saw 8 people share one toilet house despite Canberra has the best human rights protection jurisdiction in Australia. Regards Ana


Ann J

Good on you Andrew


Denis Mcneill



Supporting the Sleepover for the Homeless. Can we please prioritise a solution found for the problem of people sleeping on the streets, and the shortage of affordable housing. Have we considered salary payment to people who identify as homeless that allows them dignity and encouragement? Dorothy Mackenzie.


Quentin And Christine


Annette Ribaux

Bless you for doing this to help people experiencing homelessness!



Thank you Andrew for bringing attention to the critical work that Vinnies does.


Michael Flynn

Elect Andrew again


Yvette Alberti

bravo Andrew. You're a champ: not just talking the talk but walking the walk


Fiona Conolly

Please Andrew. Centrelink is not enough to live in. Labor must do something to ease this crisis. How can people attend interviews with no roof over their heads, no money for transport, no shower facilities, no healthy food. It's not good enough for a Labor government to ignore this.


Karthi Mcintyre

Your doing a great job mate. Keep it up and don't let the media circus bring you down to their level


Robyn Black

Thank you for getting a feel for what some people have to survive.




David Bray




Tony Hamilton

Well done for Vinnies and also good luck in the triathlon.


Thomas O'brien

It is a pleasure to donate to a charitable organisation through Andrew Leigh.


Ruth Phillips

Thank you for your commitment to addressing homelessness.


Lesley Collis

Such a worthwhile cause. Good luck Andrew.


Margaret Bowman

Andrew, you are a good man.


Anne Stanley

Best wishes, keep warm!


Steve Blume

Go well Andrew.


Cate Molloy

I really admire your ethics, Andrew. Thank you for actions not just words🙏


Kartika Panwar

Well done!!


Evelyn Constable



Glad to donate. Best of luck !


Cameron Mckenzie

I hope this campaign goes well. Thanks Andrew


Carmel Brown

Good on you!