One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference
Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness. But it doesn't have to be that way. This year I'm taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Australians in need. For one night, I'll be sleeping outside as part of an eye-opening experience to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness.
To help break the devastating cycle of homelessness, I need your support. Will you help me to reach my target? Donating $100 can make a huge difference to people who need it most.
So far this year I helped provide

Individual support programs


Latest Donations

Social With Sarah

Ben Alexopoulos

Chloe Bila

Serena Pacillo

Twin Social / Zib Digital
Get it Bea!

Olivia Breschi
So Inspiring! Happy to support 🫶

Dana Sousa
Great work Bea 💜

Meredyth Lodge
Inspiring 🤍

Georgina Neves
Go queen 🤍

Barbara Vrettos
Go Beatriz, you’re doing so well!

Danny Van Der Nguyen
Good on you Bea, always so proud of you 👏

Nina Juniper

Enza Entwistle
Hey B, all we want is good in this world . You a truly a beauty inside and out sweety. Love Enza xx

Michelle Califano
You got this!!!!

super proud of what you’re doing. Good luck!

Proud of you darling, thankyou for everything you give back.

Tayla Hickey
I will forever be proud and inspired by you ❤️

Vanessa Ceravolo
Love you, you incredible woman ❤️❤️

Hayley Justice

Harriet Papas

Bec Mayne
Thank you 🙏 no-one in Australia should be on the street

Lana Nisbett
Awesome work, such a great cause to support 💗

Karen Garrett


Lisa Dunn

Rebecca Taddeo
Go you good thing 🥰

Unstuck Organising
Good luck hun xx

Kristy Zammit
So proud of you doing this again xx

Tamika Papargiris

Charlotte Peck

Taylor Hope

Lydia B

Jacinta Dhir

Claire Wiebe
Well done for making a difference and helping a good cause!

Candice Mccue
You’re amazing! So proud of you for participating in this fundraiser again.

Sianhi Blatchford

Jessica Dawe

Amy Burt

Katie Carroll

Claire Turner
Amazing opportunity to help someone else in need. We've all been there before and we all know every little bit counts. Thankyou for contributing and raising more awareness for those who need it most ❤️

Lisa Isaac
Well done :)

Makayla M
What a great cause. I feel greatful to be apart of this by supporting you, to support those in need!

Sarah Bradshaw
Amazing work Bea!!

Lindsay Patrick

Yoselyn Zuarez
What a great idea for such a good cause!

Antonia Mertiris
Thank you for braving the cold to help those in need.

Allanah Okeeffe

Tenille Richards
You are incredible! Thank you for supporting others xx

🖤 From someone who has helped hand out food and clothing to people living in the streets, thank you for spreading awareness about the harsh reality of homelessness.

Amanda Burnett

Tayesha Pope
Thank you for helping this worthy cause! x

Michelle Lam
Thank you for all that you do

Kylie Holden
