One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference
I am proud to say that on Thursday 19 June 2025 I will be taking part in my sixth CEO Sleepout, and I am hoping you are able to support me please.
This will also the third year of the "GOATs Team" which is the highest fundraising team in the history of the St Vincent de Paul Society CEO Sleepout in Australia.  Since the GOATs were formed, we have raised a total of $817,500, which has provided Vinnies with enough equity to build 6 homes for Queenslanders at risk of, or experiencing homelessness.
The CEO Sleepout is an annual event that raises vital funds for people who suffer the fear and stigma associated with being homeless. Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness for all sorts of reasons, often because they are trying to escape domestic violence or have been squeezed out of the property market. But it doesn't have to be that way.
For one cold midwinter night, I'll be sleeping outside in a cardboard box, as part of an eye-opening experience to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness. One night isn't a lot, but with your help it can make a whole lot of difference.
And if the night of 19 June is cold (probably) or wet (maybe) you can have a chuckle, thinking of me trying to sleep under a sheet of cardboard!
Thank you!
So far this year I helped provide

Individual support programs


Funds raised over the years
Latest Donations

Bev Fry

Nick M.
Fabulous cause, Chris. I hope it's not too cold on the night!

V Smedley
Proud of you!

Caroline Culleton
Thank you for your commitment to this important cause.

Anne & Paul Hill
Excellent charity & really well done Chris. Hopefully see yourself & Sarah sometime again in Blightly later this year.
