Elia Hill

Brisbane and Regional 2025

One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference

Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness. But it doesn't have to be that way. This year I'm taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Australians in need. For one night, I'll be sleeping outside as part of an eye-opening experience to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness.

To help break the devastating cycle of homelessness, I need your support. Will you help me to reach my target? Donating $100 can make a huge difference to people who need it most.

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





As a Vinnies CEO Sleepout Ambassador

I have successfully welcomed 12 new leaders to join me,
and together, we have raised a total of $13754.3.

Funds raised over the years

Latest Donations


Andre Bad Der Merwe


Peter Jones

You’re the best


Carol Fox

Love what you do xx


Bart Rudd


Darren Stoddart


Doug Pye

Best of luck!




Dugald Meek

Great cause


Ivey C

Go Elia !


Matt Kratiuk

Proud of you Elia. Lets GO 💙🏆🐐


Anthony Peterman

Love you darling!


Catherine Fullerton


Amanda Mather

Go the GOATS!!


Patrick Mahoney

Good luck with your fundraising and event. Always happy to support a worthwhile endeavour and friend in these events. Congratulations and enjoy the experience.


Jane Ballantyne

Well done Elia. A brilliant cause.




Scott Collins

Great work with this Elia!! Your passion for these initiatives is infectious (however sorry that I can't put myself forward).


Brenden Brien

I'm delighted to support someone so committed to the cause like Elia. Go Girl!!!


Cathy Mcguane


Engage And Create Consulting


Germaine Kee

Great work for this cause Elia!!


Elia Hill