Holly Reynolds

New South Wales

Participating in their 1st Vinnies CEO Sleepout

One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference

Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness. But it doesn't have to be that way. This year I'm taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Australians in need. For one night, I'll be sleeping outside as part of an eye-opening experience to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness.

To help break the devastating cycle of homelessness, I need your support. Will you help me to reach my target? Donating $100 can make a huge difference to people who need it most.

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Latest Donations


Sammut Group




Andrew Reynolds

Go Holly your such a giver.



Well done Holly!


Trade Advertising

Well done Holly!


Erin Austin

Keep warm and keep positive. Well done!


Joe Abboud

If you only help 1 soul even if it's your own then you have left this world a better place


Castle Group


Michelle Bowers

Knowing how close this is to both of our hearts, I'm proud of you for braving the cold and taking part in this x


Ben Fairfax - Formus Property Pty Ltd


Kimbers Hinds


Diana Reynolds

Well done


Vanessa Pearson

Great cause Holly!!


Mona Chao

For a great cause Holly, well done for participating!


Colleen Mcmahon

Keep warm Holly


Genevieve Hehir

Proud of you Holly.


Human Solutions Group

Great job Holly


Kristy Shardlow

Good luck Holly!


Juliet Reynolds

Good on you Hol, hope you will be well enough😳


Roz Hutt

What a great way to raise awareness and donations! Keep warm x


Amanda Craze

Well done Holly, such an important and vital service and cause x


Eugen Molodysky



Well done Holly.


Lincon Naish

Good on you Holly, you truly walk the walk as well.


Sylvia Hrovatin


Phil Favero


Kashyap Budhbhatti

Well done Holly. Thank you for doing it.


Anywhere Travel

Rug up


Matthew Reynolds


Greer Cash

Well done Holly. Proud of you and putting yourself out there.


Resonate Communications

Go Holly! X


Samantha Lewis

A great cause and initiative Holly!


Annie Chan

Sounds like a great cause Holly! Keep warm 😌


Mr Justin Doobov (intelligent Finance)

Well done Holly 😄👍


Greg Betty

Well done Holly. Good cause!


Darren Youens

Good Luck




Alice Parker

Well done, Holly!


Nita Kent

Fantastic Holly, Homelessness is so prevalent in this wealthy country of ours...haves and have nots.Not acceptable.



Good luck, Holly, from your godmother!


Derek Cronin

Done! Love you! x


Eg Funds Management Pty Ltd


Virginia Kim

Go Holly! It will be cold and loud so pack a beanie and ear plugs!!!


Avenue Learning Pty Ltd

Holly. A great cause.


James Mccarthy

Well done Holly. This is a great cause.


Jo Crowley

Great work Holly. Wonderful cause! Jo x


Sarah Mathews

Stay warm my friend!


Tony Sykes

Luv ya style Hols, thanku. Tx



Well done Holly!


The Urban Developer

Great work Holly! All the best. The Urban Developer team.



Think warm thoughts


Justin Mitchell


Abbie Jeffs

Good luck Holly! Take some warm socks!


Helen Wright

Very proud of you Holly


Linda & Brielle Walsh

You're a star Holly Reynolds. You are doing a wonderful thing her raising awarness for those less fortunate and walking the talk - Keep warm xx


Holly Reynolds