Jenny Fitzgerald AM


Participating in their 1st Vinnies CEO Sleepout

It's time for change

Here in Victoria, there simply aren't enough homes, too many people languish on housing waiting lists and individuals go hungry to keep a roof overhead.

I want the public to understand that homelessness is not a permanent state. With the right support, people can leave homelessness and poverty behind. Through our services and programs, I witness firsthand the transformative impact of even the smallest acts of positive, targeted intervention.

Having a secure roof overhead is a fundamental human right, and every Victorian deserves a stable home. That's why I firmly believe that when it comes to poverty and homelessness, #TimeForChange

Please join me and register for this year's event or donate today. 

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Latest Donations


Kim Ricketts

Fabulous work Jenny!


Jack Panton

Doing an amazing job Jenny!


Jo Furbank


Vinnies Shout For Good


Charlotte Bartrum-terrill

Every deserves a place to lay their head, feel safe and feel warm.


Sarah Fitzgerald


Vinnies Dandenong Dc


Mark Fitzgerald

Well done!


Vinnies Shops


Chris Fitzgerald


Maria Wilton




Neil Jeffkins


Michael Ryan

good luck Jenny


Emma Fitzgerald


Mary Simpson

Great effort Jenny & all the team.


Jenny Fitzgerald

Join me in changing lives. We need to ensure that every Victorian has the right and access to safe and secure housing. I need you to help me drive that change with passion and determination.


Vinnies Shops