Jesse Arundell

New South Wales

Participating in their 2nd Vinnies CEO Sleepout

One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference

Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness. But it doesn't have to be that way. This year I'm taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Australians in need. For one night, I'll be sleeping outside as part of an eye-opening experience to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness.

To help break the devastating cycle of homelessness, I need your support. Will you help me to reach my target? Donating can make a huge difference to people who need it most.

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Funds raised over the years

Latest Donations


James Hutton

If everyone does something!


Gup Ghuliani

Go Jesse ! Well done mate !


Alysha Skerritt


Nafiseh Esmaeili





So proud of you to support such a great cause! Stay warm ! 💜💜💜


Xander Collier

Proud of you mate! From one tribe hoping to help another tribe in need! 👊🏼


Karen-angela Collier

Well done! Great cause and with you in spirit. Keep warm.


Rohit Pal

Such a great initiative ! Great work Jesse. Stay safe in the cold weather :)




Olivia Haigh

Nice one Jesse, stay warm out there.


Daniel Murphy

Good luck Jesse - it looks like it'll be a cold one!


Pavan Emmadi


Alysha Skerritt


Iz Young

Proud of you JA! Such an important initiative to contribute to - look forward to hearing your reflections on the experience.


Louise Anderson

Good on you Jesse :)


Rachel Nicoll

Love your work JA!


Andrew Scott


Gareth Chegwidden

Well done Jesse, great effort for an awesome cause!!


Michelle Simmons

I am planning to do this at some point - it’s a shame I didn’t make this one! Would’ve been fun.


Andrew Mcmullan

Great effort buddy


Wilbert Ellema


John Lock

Great commitment to a great cause!



Great initiative to support!


Rajat Shrestha


Ray Lacoste

Good on you Jesse. Proud of you mate!


Luiz Pizzato



Andrew Kerr


James Curtis

Good on ya Jesse.


Guruprakash Rajagopalan


Vivienne Rontziokos

Great cause!


Deborah Young

Great work Jesse. Stay warm. Hopefully this donation will help a family to stay warm as well. Deborah


Stanley Zhao

Good luck and hope you reach your goal! Such a great volunteering initiative. Stay warm and buy some of those Daiso heat packs for your fingers!



This is a great initiative Jesse!


Nick Wilde

Very unsurprised to see you doing something for others, you are a great human and happy to sponsor and count you as a friend


Joe Campbell

Great work Jesse and a brilliant cause to get behind!


Bicky Ealias

Great work Jesse- keep inspiring. Regards, Bicky


James Roberts

Definitely a worthy cause Jesse!



great cause!


Satya Penta





Such a great initiative Jesse! Hope you stay warm when you're out there and keen to hear about your experience :)


Jesse Arundell