Jo Johnston

New South Wales

Participating in their 1st Vinnies CEO Sleepout

One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference

This year I'm taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Australians in need. For one night, I'll be sleeping outside to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness. One night in the cold is by no means comparable to those that experience homelessness. But I’m hoping by raising money and awareness we can make a difference to people who need it most.  I’d love your support. If you’re able to donate to my fundraising mission, you can do so on this page.  

Thank you! Jo. 

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Latest Donations


Lucy Pinnock






Marilyn Johnston


Samantha Holman

Great cause Jo.


Kate Harrison


Peter Lee


Cath Godfrey


Karen Eldridge

Great stuff Jo!


Lucinda Gardiner


Guy Johnson




Glen Menzies

Fantastic cause Jo


Sharon Maguchu

Goodluck with the Sleepout Jo!


Damien Sims


Christian Dimitriadis

Well done Jo!


Megan & John Campbell

Dear Jo - we love you and that you are joining the sleepout to support their great work!!! Well done my friend! Megan & John


Peter Tonagh


Ton Hipolito

Keep warm, Jo! Love your work!


Kim Williams

you will withstand the cold like no others dear JJ, All 'warmest', Always Kim


Jonathan Carter

Stay warm Jo!!!


Jane Curry

Brilliant work Jo.


Sherri Fields

Good on you Jo.


Peter Banki

Well done Jo. Peter B


Matthew Ricketson

Good for you Jo. Hope the 20th of June is not too chilly a night. Cheers, Matthew.


Zoe Brown

Love your work Jo! xx


Leslie Loble


Sandy Grant


John Fairbairn


Peter Waters


James Dickinson

Good luck, Jo! I hope to see you on the news in your CAL pyjamas. James


Joanne Allen

Well done Jo.


Sophie Cunningham


Michael Healy

Such an important cause! Thanks, Jo. Happy to support you.


Jeanette Hoogstad

Such an important issue to draw attention to!


Scott Walsh


Rachel L

Rug up Jo!



Well done Josie


Katrina Groshinski




Harry Lee


Arthur Baker

Go Jo!


Susan Cole


Olivia Johnston


Simon Johnston


Ben Johnston


Stu Trueman

Phenomenal effort CE JO


Sarah Johnston


Dynamic Hand Therapy Pty Ltd

Go Jose !


Walter Lee

Good luck Mum!


Fankie Lee

Love you mum. good luck


Stephanie Kerr

Well done Jo!


Maisie Kerr

Well done Aunty Jo. Hope it goes well.


Andrew Jobnston


Midas Mining Advisory

Good luck


Alzbeta Carter


Chris Johnston


Martin Johnston

Great initiative.




Rosanna Arciuli


Wanga St Gang

Well done Jo, great cause


Olivia Lanchester


Kate Haddock

In awe of you


Jo Johnston