Kam Ho


Participating in their 1st Vinnies CEO Sleepout

One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference

What started from a conversation with Michael - who had participated in previous rounds of Sleepout and is unable to undertake this year, to taking some time to gain a better understanding on the risks and impact of homelessness. The facts are unfortunately confronting and unfortunate as the impact of inflation pressures has impacted our most vulnerable income groups in Australia:

- 34.9% seeking help from Specialist Homeless Services who needed accommodation did not having their housing needs met, a continued increase over the past 3 years; and

- The number of households on waiting list of social housing across the country has increased by 4%.

I am hoping to raise $15,000 as part of this fundraiser and seek your help and support (any amounts is appreciated) in achieving this outcome to support those in need on the coldest and longest night of the year. Thank you!

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Latest Donations


Andrew Vincent


Maria Vazquez

Great effort Kam. Amazing initiative.


Inushka Dassanayake

Congratulations on hitting your target!


Fabian Spescha

Well done! Fantastic initiative!



Good Luck Kam, thinking about you and all!


Nalini Blacker


What's In A Name?

Inspiring. Keep dry!


David Hardy

Sleep well Kam, great job!


Alicia Ayton

Good luck!!!


Michael Vawser

Decided to give $3 for every $1 donated to Kam. Rest well Kam and stay warm!


Michael Vawser

The last of my one for one matching donations. Great contribution everyone!


Asif Khan

Good luck Kam!


David Crighton

Great initiative, Kam.


Laurence Wong

Get plenty of insulation!



Great one, Kam!


Shahroo Mohajerani



Thanks for doing this.


Caroline Guiu



Well done Kam!




Monica Rodriguez

Great initiative Kam! All the best :)


Bree Bailey

Great initiative Kam, good luck!


Daniel Teng

Nice work Kam - stay warm!


David Delmas

I will be with you next year Kam !


Farhad Mollahagahi

Thanks Kam


Raj Geddam

Great initiative Kam. Good luck with the weather!



Kam, this is a great initiative. I admire you for it. All the best.


Michael Vawser

Tranche 2 of my dollar for dollar donation matching. Keep it coming!!


Thomas Pimenta

Good on you Kam! Pack a doona!


Meredith Anderson

Hi Kam, you are such an inspirational leader! Good luck for the night..... you've got this


Chad Mcinerney


David Ngu

Good One Kam !


Michael Vawser

The first of my matching donations. Nice one Kam and everyone who has donated so far!


Victoria Byrne

Good Luck Kam!!!



Great initiative! Making a difference in the broader community. Good luck sir! make sure Michael pays up 😉


Trevor Lim

Well done, Kam!! Hope you manage to stay warm and dry!


Suzie Crossland


Brigitte Duquesne


Louise England




Ritu Thomas

Well done Kam! Try to stay warm and don’t fall sick.


Renee Sherry


Nikolas Bell





Enjoy the fresh evening air Kam !!