Katrina Bracher

ACT & Surrounds

Participating in their 12th Vinnies CEO Sleepout

One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference

Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness. But it doesn't have to be that way. This is the 12th year that I'm taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money to support Australians in need. I'll be sleeping outside again to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness.

To help break the cycle of homelessness, I need your support. Can you help by donating some money to make a difference to people most in need.

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Funds raised over the years

Latest Donations


Catherine Furner

Another year done and dusted…well done


Peggy Brown

Well done, Tina!


Todd Brookes

You’re a legend Tina!



You go girl!


Denise Lamb




Oscar Holgate

Number 12 and counting! Impressive effort!


Libby Trickett


Bev Gow-wilson

Good on you Tina….very proud of you doing this each year for such a worthy cause. Rug up!! xx


Cathy C

Great cause great effort.


Jo Newton

Thank you Tina


June Gunning

Go Tina. Great cause.


Colm Mooney

Well done Tina!


Matched Donation thanks to the Daly Family

Congratulations, you have received a matched donation! Keep up all the great work. The Daly Family from Curtin.


Gordon Holgate

Excellent work - well done again.


Pip Golley

All the best this year Tina.


Alison K

Such a great cause Tina!


Jacqui Raby

Thank you for again raising awareness through the Sleepout.


Peter Martin

Thank you for doing this Tina



Should have kept that insulated cardboard sheet for you. Or would that be cheating?


Cathy Rumble

Your effort & support is a wonderful act of kindness Tina.


Emmalee Hamilton

What a commitment you continue to demonstrate, year after year. Truly an inspirational leader determined to make a difference.



Well done you


Peta Mercieca

Amazing! I’m so grateful to support you each year!!!!


Anita Dwyer

Great work Tina! No 8. Is cheering you on! Anita, Kylie and kids.


Helen Braun

Well done on supporting Vinnies again this year.


Bjarne Kragh

Well done Trina sleep well hope life is good for you.


Margaret Stokes

Good luck, Tina


Zoe Holgate

Amazing. Proud of you!


Deborah Hoffman


Chris Mckenna

Well done Tina!




David Holgate

Congratulations Tina, a great cause


Kaz Moriarty

Love what you do 💚



On ya!


Rhonda Maher


Robyn Smoth

Keep up the awareness. You are so close to $100k!!!


Deborah Lawson


Dannielle Nagle

Such a great cause! Thank you for doing it and giving me the opportunity to contribute


Elizabeth Chatham

Go Tina


Jesse Death

Well done Tina! Such a great cause..


Catherine Taylor


Cathy Ringland


Hamish&gaby Mitchell

What a great thing to do! Good on you.


Marty Roberts

You're the best Tina, very inspirational.


Bd Infrastructure

Well done on supporting this great cause again Tina. You are an inspiration to us all.


Kellie Bracher

Very proud xx


Karen Schlage

Inspirational as always Tina. Well done on your ongoing efforts to raise awareness and funds.


Sarah Miller

Great cause, thanks for doing your bit


Kerry Snell

I think you are wonderful


Stu Hill


Jennifer Green

Hope it goes well Tina!


Katrina Bracher