Nadia Pavlich

Gold Coast 2025

One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference

There is still so much stigma around homelessness. I can't be sure, but I think a lot of people hesitate to help as homelessness has an invalid stereotype of a slacker, or someone who has 'chosen' their destiny through poor decision-making. The reason I'm participating in the CEO Sleepout: it could be anyone. It is Mums who are sleeping rough and still sending their kids to school each morning, and doing everything they can to keep a job, keep their kids fed (very often going very hungry themselves) and just keep it together. Food should not be a luxury. Shelter should not be a luxury.
An increasing number of Australians are at risk of homelessness or sleeping rough on the streets. There is a new cohort of people experiencing homelessness: the "working homeless". This reality is just so sad. The cost of living is so out of control that hardworking people can't afford a state of living that is beyond survival.
A recent report revealed that 4 out of 10 people seeking assistance from a charity were employed but unable to meet rising rents.
I am very nervous about sleeping out. It’s going to be freezing, it's not going to be pleasant. It’s going to be uncomfortable. But I think it's important to be a positive role model for my young boys, and to try to contribute in a small way to making a better future for other families. I'd love your support to make it worthwhile, you can donate to my page here: - literally every dollar helps!
I'm so grateful to my beautiful friends and family that have donated - this is something I feel passionate about, and I'm glad you do too.

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Funds raised over the years