Yolanda Saiz

New South Wales

Participating in their 5th Vinnies CEO Sleepout

One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference

Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness. But it doesn't have to be that way. This year I'm taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Australians in need. For one night, I'll be sleeping outside as part of an eye-opening experience to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness.

To help break the devastating cycle of homelessness, I need your support. Will you help me to reach my target? Donating $100 can make a huge difference to people who need it most.

So far this year I helped provide


Individual support programs





Funds raised over the years

Latest Donations


Ian And Clare Unsworth

Homelessness could come to any of us.


Cassie Mcinnes

Thank you for your words of encouragement after we performed on stage in Sydney. I vow to make a bigger donation when we are rich and famous! Until then, I will think of other ways to help, such as increasing awareness, thus support for helping people who need it. For those who are homeless or doing it rough or tough: 'We are all human and one circumstance away from a completely different life.' For those who may consciously or unconsciously stigmatise people doing it rough or tough: 'We are all human and one circumstance away from a completely different life.' I should trademark this. Copyright 2024 C.M. Thank you again for your kind words, Russell tells us how brilliant you are, a legend, actually. He has a brill heart too and is super supportive. Cheers for doing what you do!


James Smith

Go Yolanda! love p n c.


Donna Boyd

Great job Yolanda and such a worthy cause.


Anne Burrow

Hope you managed to get a bit of sleep Yolanda.


Julie Mcdonald

Go Yolanda. Year 18 can you believe it!! Great to see you in the top job at CEO Sleepout. Hope it’s been a great night. Julie x


Michelle Chahine

Just an amazing example to all of us Yolanda. Amazing work. Sleep well!


Sue Kirk

All the best for a great event tonight Yolanda


Graham West

Go well!


Kimberly Luffman


Matthew Mitchell

Hi Yolanda - hoping that tonight and this overall event is a success. Cheers, Matt.



Such an incredible event that you've been so closely and passionately involved with for so long! As with every year, of course I'm wishing you warm puffer coat hugs for the night and hoping the fundraising hits the highest of high marks!


Kylie Biggs

Well done Yolanda. Wish I was there with you! Stay warm.


Monica King

All the best Yolanda!


Michael Lavorato

Good luck Yolanda


Lachlan Smith


James Mcelvogue

Good luck Yolanda, and thank you!


Michael Towner

Such a wonderful and important organisation. Enjoy the night!


Oliver Blain

Amazing cause and love the personal effort from all involved. Inspirational!




Katherine Raskob

Thinking of you on a cold June night, Yolanda!


Michael Murrie

Best of luck in this year's fundraising Yolanda


Tassie Smith


Percent Foundation


Holly Kramer

Good luck, Yolanda!


Daniel Murray


Jenny Saiz

Wonderful organisation helping so many people. Keep up the amazing work.



Hope the weather is warm that night


Anna Nguyen


Kate Temby


Matched Donation from The Dick & Pip Smith Foundation

Congratulations, you have received a matched donation! Keep up all the great work. The Dick & Pip Smith Foundation


Anneloes De Graeff

Doing a great job Yolanda! Keep up the good work. Will be thinking of you on 20 June.


Elaine Griffin

Thinking of you and the team! Great work Yolanda!


Diana Slater

Thanks for everything Vinnies does.


Jack De Groot


Marcus Blease


Michael Lupi

I hope it’s not too wet this year


Frank Campos

A great cause, very happy to contribute in a small way. All the best.

